Friday, 18 December 2015

President Mugabe plan to run for the seventh term

Image result for president robert mugabe
In Zimbabwe, national development is being sacrificed at the altar of political feuding.  The succession question is the mother of all problems bedeviling the people and it will continue to haunt the people until it’s resolved. The question about the next successor of President Mugabe is still pending. Since Zimbabwe's independence, most of the world has moved on - but Mugabe’s outlook remains the same. Although we can only guess, no one can state clearly Mugabe’s motive in the upcoming election. 

 He’s ruled Zimbabwe with an iron fist for 35 years & has injected new urgency into factional battles led by the elite within his ruling ZANU-PF party. But things are changing, he’s aging -has stumbled twice in recent public appearances, and in September read a speech to parliament apparently unaware that he had delivered exactly the same address a month earlier. These are lapses, and these aren’t good signs in proper governance. What’s Mugabe’s interest in the seventh term?
 Obviously, he’s frail, and that’s bad for governance. But, you’ll be surprised that Zimbabwe's ruling party at the weekend publicly endorsed 91-year-old President Mugabe as its candidate for elections in 2018. I’m not sure about him wanting to be president. I’m sure that Backstage, his focus is on whom he wants as his successor.
 You’ve made a vital point there, because even at that endorsement occasion, Godfrey Kanyenze (head of the Labor and Economic Research Institute of Zimbabwe) said that Mugabe’s focus is on retaining power, or accessing power as a way of securing his gains and privileges -he loses power, his farms and businesses will be undermined. 

The President definitely wants to retain power within. Zimbabwe's economy has been in crisis for 15 years since land reforms led to a collapse of agriculture. I think someone else should be given a chance. No matter how good it seems, you can’t know there’s something or someone better if you don’t try. You’ve heard he recently appointed his nephew as minister? 

Yes. Vice-President Mnangagwa is seen as a front-runner, & Mugabe’s wife, Grace, was appointed leader of the powerful ZANU-PF women's wing last year. These are signs that Mugabe and his wife could be planning to keep power within the family.
Well, let’s just observe closely and see how it goes. For now, we’re sure that Mugabe’s actions proves that he wants power to remain within –even though he’s not elected, he wants  someone at his beck-and-call to be elected.

Mugabe has never named a successor, and it seems chances of an outsider winning the next election are seen as slim. "The opposition is nowhere," said Masunungure.

Friday, 11 December 2015

The increase in Stolen Babies and Baby Factories in Nigeria

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A baby factory is a location where women are encouraged or forced to become pregnant and give up their newborns for sale. Stolen babies may also be described as the children that are been kidnapped or stolen from their mothers at child birth or in the streets. The Nigerian child and women is supposed to be protected against all forms of adverse experiences such as trafficking and abuse as they are great potentials for nation building. However, recent happenings indicate that the Nigerian child and women are facing new and challenging form of abuse brought about by human trafficking networks in the country.
 It’s really an act to cry for, on hearing the story of the recent found baby factory in Enugu, why on earth will a human being subject pregnant women and babies to this devilish act!, What are the causes of prevalence of baby factory in Nigeria?
There are several causes which include greed, illiteracy, childlessness, lack of ethical behavior on the part of medical professionals, being pregnant out of wedlock and the thought of social stigma and ostracism, misplaced set of values among the populace, corruption in the society, unemployment, poverty and the desire for boy-child to carry on the family name.
 This reasons are not enough to participate in this act, it’s revealed that some of this babies are sold out for ritual purposes, so how can a lady live with that taught of being a killer. In what ways can this act be curbed from Nigeria?
Media reports show that the prevalence of baby factory has become very rampant in Nigeria to an extent that merits serious attention. There is the need to reawaken guidance counselors and reposition them in the bid to curbing the prevalence of baby factory in Nigeria. Counseling is designed to help people to understand and clarify their views, and learn how to reach their goals through meaningful, well-informed choices, and through the resolution of emotional or interpersonal problems. Effective counseling should help to improve the self-image of young people that get involved in this act and facilitate achievement in life tasks.

 It’s reported that some of the girls that was interviewed in this baby factory confessed to joining the act willingly and they blamed the government and poor economy for this. How can the government contribute to the removal of this problem in Nigeria?

 The Federal Government should make provision for the training of teachers in guidance and counseling; establish and equip counseling clinics, career resource centre’s,  provide jobs to the youths and also set a committee to monitor the motherless babies homes and maternity wards in the country to prevent this rebellious act.

Should a man take another wife if his first is infertile?

 Image result for Why are women anxious that they are not married?

Usually, the loop holes of infertility are exploited by men to defend themselves.  In Christianity a second marriage is allowed after the death of the first wife. But nowadays, according to some people, another set of text justifies a husband taking another wife –infertility.

This is not an issue to argue over. I mean, what’s the purpose of marriage if not for procreation? If my wife is infertile, its common sense to know that i should take another wife. Do you expect me to sit there and be childless for the rest of my life because of love?

 The issue is relative; you shouldn’t force your opinion on others. Personally, I wouldn’t advice that. My opinion is this; I’ll advice the man to allow his conscience to judge him. First ask yourself, “Why did I get married? What attracted me to this woman? Just pause and think if you truly love her, or did you just marry her because you wanted children?
If not for children, how do we create a family? I mean, if she’s considerate like Sarah of the Bible (laughs), she’ll even be the one to get me a wife like Sara did to Abraham. The plan is always to get married, have children and live happily ever after. But if she doesn’t have children, how will this goal be reached? Don’t you hear people say “I want my babies to look like you”? Now tell me, are babies not important in a union?

 Look, I get your point, I’m not disputing the fact that babies are important in a marriage, all I’m saying is that the other person’s feelings should be considered too. What’s wrong with discussing it out with by your spouse? –I mean, exploring other options like adopting a child?
Yeah, that’s when you’re talking. Or maybe I’ll just get a woman for procreation, and then continue with my main wife.
But have you considered the division you’ll introduce when you bring another woman to your fold? Or do you think a woman will just allow you impregnate her and still marry another woman?

The issue of choosing another partner due to infertility is a matter of choice and understanding, and it’s solely relative. Couple should understand each other and discuss it over -pray, and probably see a councilor before taking decision. 

Should President Buhari remove Fuel subsidy?

 Image result for Should president Buhari remove Fuel Subsidy?

The World Bank has advised President Muhammad Buhari to remove fuel subsidy forthwith, saying now is the best time to do so. Government spent over 6 trillion on fuel subsidy between 2006 -2010. Analysts say, the only answer to fuel scarcity is fuel subsidy removal and deregulation of downstream sector. US Former secretary of state Hilary Clinton said, ''Nigeria produces crude oil and yet import fuel. It is a clear case of mismanagement.''

if President Muhammad Buhari should remove fuel subsidy, oil producing companies, foreign investors and private individuals will build refineries in Nigeria. The huge amount of money corrupt independent oil markets collect from government will stop.

President Buhari should listen to World Bank on fuel subsidy removal because the country looses so much of money on fuel subsidy. A breakdown of the subsidy payments showed $1.818 billion was spent in 2011; $2.63 billion in 2012; $3.26 billion in 2013; and $3.14 billion for 2014.  The only way to end fuel scarcity is to remove fuel subsidy this will make foreign investors and private investors build refineries, importation will stop and prices will become competitive and eventually fall. As we speak Alhaji Aliko Dangote is already building refinery at lekki area of Lagos state.  Yes the cabals and fraudulent oil marketers will no longer have their cakes as usual. It will reduce the high rate of corruption in the sector.
 How will Nigerians react if the president remove fuel subsidy knowing fully well what happened during previous administration? The partial removal of subsidy increase the prices of petroleum products under President Jonathan.
The most important thing is proper sensitization and enlightenment of Nigerians on the immense benefits of fuel subsidy removal. Once the government will explain to ordinary Nigerian before fuel subsidy removal.
 Government must wake up to reality and remove fuel subsidy without delay. The only way to end fuel scarcity and fight corruption in the oil sector is to remove subsidy. Fuel subsidy removal will benefit Nigerians because oil prices will eventually fall as a result. President Buhari should remove fuel subsidy.

Sahara Group to Deliver 180MW Power Plant in Rivers State

  Sahara Group to Deliver 180MW Power Plant in Rivers State Rasheed Akolawole  February 7, 2025 Sahara Group, a leading energy conglomerat...