Is your sex life in a rut? This is a question that every couple would need to answer at some point, no matter how good its sex life is at the moment. One of the biggest challenges that couples who have succeeded in evolving a mutually satisfactory sex life always face is monotony. When monotony sets in, complacency follows and these two are always bad news. Couples need to make periodic appraisals of their sex lives to either prevent monotony or kick it out. Sex can be dull or monotonous in Marriages. It can even die altogether. A woman visits a counsellor to complain that a husband, a Professor hardly have time for sex. According to her they do it, once or twice a year!
In this kind of relationship, the marriage is about to die unless urgent action is taken. Sex is very crucial in a relationship. Generally, after a period of passion, things cool down for most couples. When this happens, it should not be viewed with any form of alarm. It is natural for things to cool down a bit when the newness of a new relationship begins to wear off. But couples must never let their passion fade away. They should put up creativity and effort. However, some individuals get so entangled in career pursuits that sex begin to slip into the most remote corners of the mind or they completely lose interest in it after years of marriage. This should not be.
Communication is key. You can reignite your sex life and stay hot for each other once you notice that the waves are ebbing. The good thing is that you can do this on a continual basis. What your sex life needs is a little variation in the way you do things. You can go on a vacation together, just the two of you without the kids. A change of environment often ignite fresh passion. It is important to call about this things. Lack of communication is often the first killer of passion. Express love to each other as often as you can.
Relaxing on the sofa together, Sharing a warm bath or gentle rhythmic massage prior to sex can also bind souls. Also couples need to explore the latent power of kisses more. The good thing about kissing is that even when you don’t feel like doing it, once you start, you may find yourself getting into the flow rather quickly. That peck on the cheek whenever you stumble into one another in those few private places in the house, should be turned into full blown sensual kisses that would make you do passionate things. Never for one think that passion of yesteryears is gone forever, it is still in there. All you need to do is awaken it.
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