Saturday, 29 November 2014

Celibacy: Blessing or burden

Celibacy: Blessing or burden

The doctrine of celibacy in the Catholic Church is not adopted by other denominations of the Christian faith. While the Catholic Church believes in the benefits of celibacy, other denominations such as the Pentecostals have ignored it completely.  Senior Correspondent, Yemi Olakitan, examines the concept.

According to the Catholic encyclopedia, ‘‘Celibacy is the renunciation of marriage for the more perfect observance of chastity, by all those who receive the Sacrament of Orders in any of the higher grades. The candidates for orders are solemnly warned by the Bishop at the beginning of the ceremony. He tells them:  You ought anxiously to consider again and again what sort of a burden this is which you are taking upon you of your own accord. Up to this time, you are free. You may still, if you choose, turn to the aims and desires of the world. But if you receive this order it will no longer be lawful to turn back from your purpose. You will be required to continue in the service of God, and with His assistance to observe chastity and to be bound for ever in the ministrations of the altar.’’
In a chat with Father Julius Olaitan of Our Lady Mother of perpetual Help Catholic Church, Ajah, he explained that celibacy is a discipline of the church and not a doctrine. It is a discipline in which one sets himself aside for the work of God, in a sense that a priest lives without his own biological family; wife and children, since he does not have one, thereby becoming a member of every family in the church. As a church discipline, it is part of the demand of the priesthood and a priest is trained to be able to live that life. In other words, clerical celibacy is the practice of the Catholic Church. It is the discipline by which only unmarried men are ordained as priests,’’ he said.
Speaking further, he said, the most important benefits of celibacy to the priesthood is that it sets the priests aside for the work of the ministry so that he focuses all his attention absolutely on spiritual matters rather than the things of the world.’’
 Father Olaitan said, the call is taken in freedom. No one is forced to follow that path. People choose to follow the path of celibacy. It is also a calling. We have an example in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ, who himself was celibate; he never married and most of the Apostles were celibate including Paul, the Apostle.  No-one is forced to do it. One is also free to opt out from the priesthood and return to the laity
When asked if in the future, priests could be allowed to marry, he said, for now, I don’t see the need for it. Celibacy allows one to do the work of God with absolute focus, concentration and devotion without worldly pursuits or encumbrances.’’ he said.
In another chat with Reverend Stephen Akinsowon of Saint Peters Catholic Church, Addo, Langbasa, Lagos, he said, ‘‘celibacy is not an imposition and it is not forced on the clergy. The Church teaches that priesthood is a ministry conformed to the life and work of Jesus Christ. Priests act in ‘‘persona Christi’’ that is in the person of Christ. Thus the life of the priest conforms, to the chastity of Christ himself. The sacrifice of married life is for the "sake of the Kingdom" (Luke 18:28–30, Matthew 19:27–30), and to follow the example of Jesus Christ in being "married" to the Church, " (following Ephesians 5:25-33 and Revelation 21:9, together with Mark 2:19-20, Matthew 9:14-15).
Reverend Father Stephen said ‘‘celibacy is very important because it promotes holiness of life; it makes the priests to be more efficient, able to carry out his work without distractions. It makes the priest to be available at all times to perform his functions such as sacrament, marriages, confessions, celebration of Mass. In the book of 1corinthians 7, 1-2, Paul said, he would like people to be as unmarried as he himself was so that they could have absolute devotion to the work of the kingdom. Jesus emphasized holiness, in the book of Mathew 19, 9-12 Jesus himself spoke about celibacy, so it also has scriptural backing.’’
‘‘It is a very high calling. When I was ordained, my grandfather called me, omo to ju Baba lo, meaning ‘the child that is older than his father.’  He was about 85 years old at the time that is the level that priests are placed.’’
On priestly misconduct, Father Stephen said, ‘‘there are sinners everywhere even in the church. The church is made for both sinners and the righteous, so one can stop people from sinning. He however said that even priests can be disciplined when the err, before you are ordained as a priest, you are first ordained as a Deacon and if you deemed unfit because of a personal misconduct, your ordination can be postponed indefinitely until you have amend your ways. It takes up to Nine years of study and training before one can become a priest in the Catholic Church’’
Similarly, Father Lawrence Abiona, principal at St, Joseph centenary Catholic College, Ilorin, Kwara state said, ‘‘celibacy is the church’s discipline aimed at promoting holiness and devotion to the work of God. It is a path that is willingly taken, no-one is forced just as Apostle Peter was married in the Bible and Apostle Paul was not. It gives a priest the capacity to do his job extremely well. He can be called upon to travel to wherever the mission takes him to, without the constraints of married life.  The priesthood is all about pleasing the Lord and the body of Christ.’’ 1 Corinthians 6: 18, 20, I Corinthians 7, 32-40.
Speaking further, he said, the priesthood is a gift and calling. You cannot make yourself a priest. Celibacy itself is a gift according to apostle Paul, Priests must be very humble, patient and Christ-like. It a very sacred office, Hebrew 5-4 It allows one to serve God with an undivided heart, and one can be freer in the service of God.
In Jesus’ words in Matthew 19:12: "Some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men; and others have renounced marriage because of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.   Paul, within a context of having "no command from the Lord" (1 Cor 7:25), recommends celibacy, but acknowledges that it is not God's gift to all within the church: "For I wish that all men were even as I myself. But each one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that. But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am ... I want you to be without care. He who is unmarried cares for the things of the Lord—how he may please the Lord. But he who is married cares about the things of the world — how he may please his wife. There is a difference between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman cares about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit. But she who is married cares about the things of the world — how she may please her husband. And this I say for your own profit, not that I may put a leash on you, but for what is proper, and that you may serve the Lord without distraction." 1 Corinthians 7:7–8, 7:32–35
Pope Francis Pope Francis commented that celibacy "is a matter of discipline, not of faith. It can change" but added: "For the moment, I am in favor of maintaining celibacy, with all its pros and cons, because we have ten centuries of good experiences rather than failures Tradition has weight and validity." He said, the rule must be strictly adhered to, and any priest who cannot obey it "has to leave the ministry"

In a chat with Pastor Emmanuel Onoja on the Hope of Life Evangelical Church, he said, that celibacy is not necessary in Pentecostal circles because the Bible does not make it compulsory for the clerics to be unmarried. According to him, anyone who wants to remain single like Paul the Apostle could do so but it is not a mandatory doctrine in the Pentecostal fold. Speaking further, he said, Apostle did not say it was divine commandment neither did our Lord Jesus, so the issue does not really catch much attention in our church because most of the Pentecostals pastors are doing their job without being celibate.’’ He said.

Pa Ogunjobi of the Redeemed Christian Church opined that God says, "Be fruitful and multiply” This means that he honours marriage and commands for all humanity. Although who remain single for the sake of the Gospel are not in error, this however does not mean that one cannot do the work of God without being celibate,’’ he said. 
Reverend Akinsuyi said, there are many catholic doctrines that I do n ot believe or agree with one of it is infant baptism which to me is totally unbiblical. When I was young they took me to the church, pour water on my head and gave me a new name, now what does a child knows about baptism. You see, I don’t believe in Catholic doctrines, he said.

However, in statement by the Catholic Church, it says that even in heaven, there would no marriage, "For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven" (Matt. 22:30). 

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