Saturday, 29 November 2014

Is the cross still a significant in Christendom?

Is the cross still a significant in Christendom?

The cross, which is considered to be the major symbol of Christendom, is gradually fading away in many churches today, although the Catholic Church and other orthodox churches have continued to use the cross as symbol in Christian worship. Senior Correspondent, Yemi Olakitan examines the subject.
1.      The encyclopedia Britannica in discussing the importance of the cross as a symbol of the Christian faith says, ‘‘it is the principal symbol of the Christian religion, recalling the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the redeeming benefits of his passion and death. The cross is thus a sign both of Christ himself and of the faith of Christians. In ceremonial usage, making a sign of the cross may be, according to the context, an act of profession of faith, a prayer, a dedication, or a benediction.’’

Sandra Akuoma a motivational speaker, Life Coach and CEO, Life Pointers and a member of the Catholic Church said, ‘‘the cross is still relevant today in Christianity because it represents the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross although some people condemn the use of the cross I don’t do this. It is not right because I personally do not believe that one should condemn anybody’s belief because religion is a personal choice. I believe that one should respect other people’s religion and learn from it and add to your own from it, if what you see from that person’s religion is beneficial. Those whose belief attaches so much importance to the cross should not be criticized because everyone’s way of reaching God is personal and unique.’’
On whether, she would use the cross in worship or wear it as a form of jewelry, she said, ‘‘it is not the cross that matters it is my heart, one can wear the cross for everyone to see and the heart is polluted so the focus should not be the wearing of the cross but the heart of men. The inner garment is far more important than the outer garment. People should wear the cross in their heart more than they do the symbol.’’

However, in a chat with a member of the Jehovah’s Witness who declined to state his name saying we do not take credit for anything done for God, he said, ‘‘Jesus Christ did not die on a cross. Bible writers use another word for the instrument of Jesus’ death. It is the Greek word xy′lon. (Acts 5:30; 10:39; 13:29;Galatians 3:13; 1 Peter 2:24) This word means “timber” or “a stick, club, or tree. The Apostle Paul says: “Christ by purchase released us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse instead of us, because it is written: ‘Accursed is every man hanged upon a stake’’ (Galatians 3:13) Here Paul quotes Deuteronomy 21:22, 23, which clearly refers to a stake, not a cross. Since such a means of execution made the person “a curse,” it would not be right for Christians to decorate their homes with the cross.’’
  In another statement, the Jehovah’s Witness says, ‘’There is no evidence that for the first 300 years after Christ’s death, that Christians used the cross in worship. In the fourth century, however, pagan Emperor Constantine became a convert to of Christianity and promoted the cross as its symbol. Whatever Constantine’s motives, the cross had nothing to do with Jesus Christ. The cross is, in fact, pagan in origin. The New Catholic Encyclopedia admits: “The cross is found in both pre-Christian and non-Christian cultures.” Other authorities have linked the cross with nature worship and pagan sex rites.’’
Reverend Andrew Akinsuyi said, ‘‘wearing the cross or making the sign of the cross is a symbol of the Christian faith. Christ indeed died on a cross. It was the practice in those days to crucify condemned criminals and since Christ was condemned by the Jews at the time, he was crucified on the cross. You cannot crucify someone without a cross. The cross is identified with the practice of crucifixion. When people wear the cross as part of jewelry, make the sign of the cross or use it to decorate their home, it is a sign that as Christians, we depend on God for everything that we do. The cross is a sign of Christ crucifixion and the death of Jesus Christ herald a new era for Christians because it was the death of Christ that brought about the salvation of humanity. The cross is not a thing of shame or a curse. It was the death of Jesus Christ that brought the hope of everlasting life to those who believe in the Lord Jesus. Therefore wearing the cross, using it in ceremonial worship is in harmony with scriptures.’’
Julius Badare, a member of the Catholic Church said, ‘‘the cross is a powerful Christian symbol and it is not limited to Catholics. It represents the cross upon which Christ died. The cross is present all around the church's interior in our church on the altar cloth, in the Stations of the Cross, and even on the priest's vestments. The Crucifix differs from the cross, in that it depicts the image of Christ being crucified, rather than that of the empty cross. The addition of His figure to the empty cross is intended to emphasize His human nature, which enabled him to suffer physical pain and death.  Not all crucifixes are identical. Depending on the mission of the church, the depiction of Jesus may evoke various emotions ranging from sorrow, to fear, or to awe. However, the purpose of the crucifix remains the same: to remind Catholics of the price Christ paid for humanity's redemption or salvation.’’
Elder Theophilus Ajibola of the United African Church opined that ‘‘the cross is a symbol of Christianity and has been traditionally recognized as such for hundreds of years. Those claiming that the cross is no longer relevant are deceiving themselves. The cross is still relevant. We still use the church in our church although the Pentecostals do not emphasize its importance but most of them agree that Christ was crucified on the cross and took our sins away through his death. This is the basis of Christianity.’’
Bishop of Kogi Diocese, the Right Reverend, A.I. Dawodu Adekunle Ilesanmi of the African Church Cathedral said, ‘‘Christians make an issue of what they should not make an issue of. The issue of Cross is an established doctrine of the Christian faith. Christ died on the cross and so the cross is a symbol of redemption, besides, symbol or no symbol, the reason why Christ died is far more important. It is because the word of God said that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and His blood was atonement for sin. This is what is important and should transcend every argument. Look at the church in Aso Rock for example, when they were building it some denominations still made an issue of whether there should a cross there or not. I don’t think that Christians should make an issue of simple tenets of the faith. If a Christian uses the cross, it does not make him less a Christian, if he uses it and it enhances his faith in God why should we condemn it?  In the African church we use the cross regularly in our Sunday worship.’’

In another chat with pastor Emmanuel Onoja of Hope of Life evangelical Church, he said, ‘we do not emphasize the cross as a symbol but we emphasize its scriptural importance not as something physical that one can hold or touch. Salvation is the central gospel that we preach and we cannot talk about it without mentioning Christ’s death on the cross. It is important to preach salvation in that context because when Jesus was leaving the world, he gave a commandment to his followers which became the Great Commission today. He said we should go into the world and preach the Gospel, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. We also emphasize the born again experience because Christ said except a man be born again; he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Another concept, we emphasize immensely in Pentecostal circles is Christ commandment, which he gave to mankind that we should love one another even as he had loved us. He also said we should love our neighbor as ourselves. All these are highly important in Christianity and they are the central messages of Christ. As Christians, once we do these things, we have fulfilled the wishes of the Lord Jesus and these are far more important issues. The cross as a symbol of Christianity is possibly used to enhance the faith of the believers. We do not condemned nor propagate this as much as the orthodox churches do.’’ 

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