Saturday, 29 November 2014

Denominational-ism: For good or ill

Yemi olakitan 

      Christendom today has experienced denominationalism more than any other religion in the world.  According to the World English Dictionary, denominationalism is a sectarian spirit or policy or the division into denominations or sects. Denominationalism is the inclination of religious groups to experience schisms and separate into different groups over disagreements about doctrinal matters. In the Bible, it was the will of the Lord Jesus Christ that Christians should remain a united, indivisible unit, operating in love since love is the basis of the Christian faith.  Jesus prayed, ‘‘Holy Father; keep through your name those whom, you have given me that they may be one as we are. John 17:11. ‘‘I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in us , that the world may believe that You sent Me.’’ John 17:20,21.  However, over the years, Christianity has been divided into numerous denominations.  The questions arise; how beneficial is this to the body of Christ? Is the denominationalism the path of the Lord?  Shouldn’t all Christian denominations come together? What are the causes of denominationalism in a religion of love?
History revealed that in the first century, there was only one church, the Roman Catholic Church which was the earliest.  After the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD, the Jewish Christian movement was scattered and under heavy persecution.  The Roman Empire legally recognized Pauline Christianity as a valid religion in 313 AD. Later in that century, in 380 AD, Roman Catholicism became the official religion of the Roman Empire. During the following 1000 years, Catholics were the only people recognized as Christians. Roman Catholicism was then, the only Christian denomination on earth. 
In 1054 AD, a formal split occurred between the Roman Catholic and other Orthodox churches. This division remains in effect till today. The next major division occurred in the 16th century with the Protestant Reformation under Martin Luther. Protestantism is one of the three major branches of Christianity, along with Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. It shares with all other Christians’ core beliefs in the doctrines of Trinity and the divinity of Jesus, the necessity salvation and the centrality of Jesus' death and resurrection.  Protestantism came from the split with Roman Catholicism during the Reformation in the 16th century.  Led by Martin Luther, John Calvin and others, the reformers broke from the Roman Catholic Church due to abusive ecclesiological structures and theological differences. Protestants share an adherence to the centrality of scripture as well as a doctrine of salivation in Christ Jesus.
Different Protestant denominations have to varying degrees maintained or rejected Roman Catholic forms of worship. Anglican and Lutheran churches have maintained liturgies and rituals similar to those of the Roman Catholic Church, whereas other denominations, such as Baptists, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, and United Church of Christ, have developed less liturgical forms of worship. Most Protestants practice baptism and communion as key rites of Christian initiation and ongoing devotion. Though originating in Europe, Protestant Christianity has spread all over the world through missionary activity and has members from nearly every country, race, and ethnicity.
 Those who remained faithful to Roman Catholicism believed that the central regulation of doctrine by church leaders was necessary to prevent confusion and division within the church and corruption of its beliefs.  However under the leadership of Martin Luther, the protestant movement also had disagreements on issues of doctrines and different denomination began to emerge as well. Today, Christianity has seen an outpouring of countless churches and denominations with different doctrines and practices though all believe in the Lordship of the Lord Jesus and the infallibility of the Gospel. 

In Nigeria alone, there are hundreds denominations as there are different faces of human beings. Every day, there is a massive proliferation of churches and denominations. People receive callings and set up their own churches in their living rooms, church movements had been created in shops. Why does this happen?  Why are there so many denominations? Why can't Christian groups simply agree to disagree and remain part of a single organization? Is this good for the body of Christ? Does it help the advancement of the kingdom of God?
In a chat with Pastor Dimeji Isaac of the Christ Temple, Lekki, Lagos, he said, social forces: class, racial and ethnic groups, regional divisions, and nationalism often lead to split in Christendom. According to him, it is good for churches to remain under one denomination, however, the differences in human outlook, the difficulty in administration and the stubbornness of people will make it difficult for Christianity to operate under one denomination. Speaking further, he said, ‘‘the main thing is that we are all followers of our Lord Jesus and we believe that the Bible is the word of God. These are the things that qualify one to be Christian. If we all obey the word of God and follow the commandments of our Lord Jesus, then it does not matter the denomination as long as Christ is preached’’ he said.

        Deaconess Shola Abimbola of the Global Church of the Living God does not share this opinion. According to her denominationalism is from the devil.  ‘‘We are serving the same God. Why should we be separated into different denominations?  Jesus preached love. It is clear from the scriptures that he wanted his followers to remain united as one. It is greed, individual ambitions, rather than the love of God that lead the Churches into various denominations, It is clearly not of God,’’ She said and she marveled at the number of denominations in Christendom today.   Deacon Ola Philip opined that denomination is not a barrier as far as we are serving the living God.   ‘‘When you look at it from the beginning, prophet- hood started from Noah, to Abraham  and the same God that called Moses, also called Samuel and they never  said the God that called them was different. They all came with harmonious teachings and that’s why the word of God is the same. In that sense denominationalism is not bad at all.
On the cause of denominationalism, he said, ‘‘Jesus said that in the last days, there will be many false prophets. They are all in town today. Each one of them called themselves Founder or General Overseer and brings up doctrines that suits them, that is why we have different denominations. Fake prophets contribute to denominationalism. Christ says that, there is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.’’ Ephesians 4:4-6
In another chat with Pastor Tolu Fowotade of the Mountain and Fire and Miracles Ministry, he said that denominationalism can be beneficial. It is not a problem at all. According to him, the word of God is a mystery and it speaks differently to people with different meanings. According to what God wants to say to them and their level of relationship with him.  One denomination cannot help the advancement of Christianity.  Jesus had twelve disciples, they do not reason the same way. When the apostles received the baptism of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost, they were given diverse gifts and callings by the same spirit.  The Holy Spirit operates in different dimensions to different people and gives different gifts, different focus, and diverse operations by the same God.  This is why there are different denominations.  The word of God is so deep and full of meanings so denomination is not a problem at all. It is a reflection of the diversity of the gifts and callings of God’’ he said.
Speaking further, pastor Tolu said, ‘‘if a man of God is teaching a topic from the Bible, let’s say, he is speaking about the story of the woman with the issue of blood. He teaches the word according to the way the Holy Spirit lead him to teach it. Another man of God will pick the same topic and the same scripture and teach it from a different perspective and the congregation will still be blessed. Therefore, though the spirit is one there are diverse operations. It is not possible to operate under one denomination,’’ he said.  

Funmilola Jacobs of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, RCCG, said, ‘‘denomination is unavoidable because Christianity has become the greatest religion in the world. It has spread farther than any other religion known to mankind. This spread could not have been possible without the efforts of different denominations, ministry, callings and missions in the body of Christ which are all working towards the same goal which is to spread the gospel and bring humanity into repentance. If we remove denominationalism from the history of Christianity, I do not think that we could have gone this far. Take Africa for example, it was the efforts of missionaries from various denominations such as the Catholic Church, the Methodist Church and the Anglican Church, the Lutheran Church all working in various fields that brought the light of Christianity to Africa. I don’t even think that one denomination is capable of taking the gospel to the whole world as Christ commanded. Denominationalism in my own opinion is the will of God as long as we all preach the Bible undiluted and stand under the Lordship of our lord Jesus. If we all follow is teachings and obey his commandments, then denominationalism is a blessing and not a course,’’ she said. 

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